100% Natural Pink Himalayan Sea salt soap Dry skin bar – CapeLilly saltysoaps, scrubs and skincare

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Pink Himalayan sea salt soap, moisturizing soap bar


Our handcrafted Pink Himalayan, sole soap, combines the skin benefits of Pink Himalayan Sea Salt, Coconut Oil, Shea Butter, Coconut milk and a blend of ginger, argon oil and essential oils. The salts are finely ground and dissolved in coconut water before soap making, which ensures a smooth solebar. Pink Himalayan salt creates a rich lather that cleanses and moisturizes. An excellent soap bar for face and body. Make it your Secret weapon for dry skin! 

Benefits of Pink Himalayan Sea Salt.

  • Himalayan pink salt is one of the purest salts on the earth.
  • Rich in nutrients and elements including calcium, magnesium, potassium, copper, and iron.
  • Pink Himalayan salts have been used for years for its astounding properties renowned herbalist, who * promoted it's antiseptic and antibacterial qualities during the Renaissance. Bathing with sea salts helps to replenish the body of its valuable minerals and is key to healthy skin.
  • According to a skin health study in 2005, ** Bathing with a salt solution improves skin barrier function, enhances skin hydration, and reduces inflammation in atopic dry skin. 

Ingredients: Coconut oil, Argon Oil, FAIR Trade Shea Butter, Olive Oil, Ginger, Coconut Milk, Cape Cod Sea Salts,  Peppermint Essentials Oils, *Sodium Hydroxide, Coconut water. *used only during the initial soaping process, none remains in the final product. 4. 0z  

References: * Paracelsus (1493 to 1541)
**iIi) Proksch E, Nissen HP et al., . Int J Dermatol 2005; 44(2):151-7.

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